Oh man, this was an undertaking to get done. I’m officially in last-minute pre-con panic mode right now, and it hasn’t helped matters that I had to get Friday’s page finished and loaded along with this one. Well, everything SHOULD be set to go… assuming I haven’t missed something, which is very possible given my current mental state.

In any case, it’s nice to see Dr. Caligari again. In retrospect, I do wish I’d made that mysterious room in the last page a color other than blue, since I already knew perfectly well that the Doc’s hideout was that same color. Oh well. At least the room turned out pretty cool looking. This makes HOW many glowing, color filled rooms now?

OH! And there’s a new voting incentive up, of course. This one features somebody we haven’t seen in a while!

(Historical Notes: I mentioned this in the alt text of the last page, but it bears repeating here.  I REALLY wish I had used a color other than blue for the Sophia/Claire panel last time, since all of Dr. Caligari’s stuff here is ALSO blue.  Somebody out there is gonna think this means those scenes are connected, and even if you don’t, it’s still makes this reveal of this glowy blue room a lot less visually interesting if we JUST SAW a glowy blue room.)