Page 264 – PSYCH!!!
Note to self: despite her unnatural, superhuman strength, Bridget is surprisingly easy to fake out. Avoid pitting her against opponents in a battle of wits.
Also, the sound a robot makes while pushing a door UP is unusually close to the sound a shark makes when pushing a door DOWN. Must investigate further.
So, this is page had two major obstacles working against its completion. For one thing, The Internet was struck by lightning last night, so I couldn’t post this thing until everything was up and running again. Far worse, however, is the fact that Far Out There’s new TVTropes page has totally revived my crippling addiction to the site. Who has time do DRAW? Dang it, there are lists of obscure media facts to read!!!
Well, anyway, the Top Web Comics incentive this week is a little unusual. I stumbled onto an old character doodle that you just might find interesting. Man, these characters really DO change once you start writing for them…
(EDIT: Well, NOW it’s a new picture. Sorry to anyone who voted early this morning and wondered why the picture hadn’t changed. The right one’s been uploaded now)
(Historical Notes: Awwwwwwwww crap, once the site is rebuilt, I’m gonna have to go replace all the old SmackJeeves links on TVTropes, aren’t I?)
Historical Note: Yes, you will! 😉
(Although at least the main link leads here now)
Oh man, it’s been a hot minute since I actually looked at TVTropes. At this point, I feel like I probably wouldn’t even recognize what half the tropes are CALLED any more…
i tried to look at tabs there i have had open for a while. i think they have deleted a bunch of articles