Geez, that makes TWO girls who’ve given Dr. Vanderslice the Eyes Of Rage in one afternoon. Just not the guy’s day.

So, when I was drawing this page, the Doc’s dialog in the first panel was “Now blah blah blah technobabel just filling up space in the speech bubble.” Yes, I’m well aware that none of you are really paying attention to three-fourths of the words on pages like this. But, darn it, it’s IN CHARACTER!

And speaking of me doing a terrible job of judging what’s worth my time, some of you might have noticed this page going up a few hours late. Well, I assure you I have no good excuse other than my own easily-distracted nature. I’ve managed to forget a LOT of important things this week (heck, it took me a whole day to realize that all my Project Wonderful ads had expired Wednesday night) Getting forgetful in my old age…