OOOOOoooooh snap, that’s not a happy face right there. Apparently, Lodovicron’s programing includes a program for Batman scowls.

Also, if you were wondering why all the robots are totally incapacitated right now when it was previously established that one could hobble away right after being zapped… well, they were ALSO subjected to a mass pounding by Bridget, and that’s gotta take longer to shake off.

AAAaaaand that little burst of exposition from Skye is the best I could think of to make up for the messy art last page. It’s kind of awkward, but at least it’s in character.

Honestly, I’m kind of struggling to think of things to say. Counting the huge Conventional Wisdom update for Animazement, this is the 20th cartoon I’ve drawn in three days… and that’s not even counting some other stuff that I can’t tell you about just yet (DUN DUN DUUUUN!) But yeah, slightly burned out right now.