Okay, first up, some bits of business. Just in case you weren’t compulsively checking the site for random updates yesterday, click back one and check out the April Fool’s joke. If I may say so, it’s mildly amusing (and way less disastrous than the prank Sandra & Woo tried to pull on Thursday). And, speaking of random updates, tune in AGAIN this Sunday for another special page!

What’s more, be sure to drop by the forum to weigh in on the whole “selling stuff in the DD Store” issue. If there’s some bit of FOT merchandise you REALLY want to see, let me know!

So, anyway, I like the long, dramatic zoom effect in this page, but it DID require a little sacrifice I’m not happy about. If you pay close attention to the first panel, you’ll notice Trigger looking a tad unhappy to see Skye talking to somebody who isn’t him. Unfortunately, you have to REALLY pay attention because I had to scale them all down to where fine details like that vanish. Drat.

(Historical Note: if you want some context, Sandra & Woo changed up it’s site to look like it had converted to a 4chan-style image board.  And by “look like” I mean it was an actual functioning imageboard that anyone could post to… and you can imagine how THAT turned out.)