You know, I’d honestly forgotten how much fun mad scientists are to draw. Has it really been THAT long since we actually saw any of these guys? *sigh* This story had REALLY dragged on too long…

But enough about me turning happiness to whining for no good reason, how ’bout some random shout-outs? The old guy with the gun was originally named something else I’ve already forgotten. However, while I was shading everything, I realized that he kind of looks like Roy Greenhilt’s Dad in Order of the Stick. Thus, name change! This knowledge will increase you enjoyment of this page in no discernible way, but that’s never stopped me before, has it?

Oh, and while I’m at it, that green guy is actually one of the scientists we saw way back during Dr. Vanderslice’s panel in this page… which was a whole frickin’ YEAR ago… *sigh* Seriously, this HAS taken a stupidly long time hasn’t it?

(Historical Notes: Hey wow!  A reference to a webcomic that’s actually still ongoing! …I mean, it’s on hiatus as I write this, but it hasn’t been abandoned for eight years like almost everything from the cameo fest!)