First off, if you only dropped by Tuesday and were greeted by a “broken image” thinggie, that issue has been resolved. Feel free to scroll back and see what you missed… unless you saw the page on the forum (which, let’s face it, is highly unlikely since no one ever uses it)

Anyway, once again, Layla provides an excuse to have WAY more fun with expressions than I have any right to. In fact, I’m unusually pleased with this whole page. I kind of overdosed on reading super-dupper manga geniuses artbooks this week, and whenever I do that, the next few pages I draw end up looking a lot nicer than usual. So see, it’s not time wasting, it’s RESEARCH!!!

The only thing that bugs me (ah, so there IS something) are the “Drag” sound effects. Originally, they said “Tug” but somehow that made it look like they were trying to tear Layla in half. Still, I liked having the sfx hand drawn instead of typed like this. It just looks cooler to me.

Oh, and just in case you forgot, Trigger has had plenty of experience with Layla being freaked out, as this page demonstrates.