You’re looking at one of four pages I’ve been working on today, the craziest workload I’ve had since the first few months of the comic (with those 6-pages-at-once updates) Katsucon’s this weekend, so obviously anything that goes up this weekend needs to be done well in advance. The thing is, a LOT of stuff is happening this weekend. Believe it or not, said weekend marks FAR OUT THERE’S SECOND BIRTHDAY! So tune in Sunday for a special B-day bonus ‘toon!

Oh, and speaking of milestones: if you mark the start of this mad scientist story at the same page that I started the file for it on my computer… then you need to quit sniffing around my stuff, weirdo. Seriously, though, this marks the 100th page of this story. I have mixed feeling about that, actually. It’s neat to have that much material up and all, but I really didn’t plan on this arc to take anywhere NEAR this long to do. So I guess this milestone is a testament to my failure to adequately plan ahead and my inability to edit. Yay.

On a less grouchy note: check out that last panel. I was just goofing around with the shading, but the effect turned out VERY nicely, if I do say so myself.

(Historical Notes: speaking of where to start counting a new story beginning, I’d toyed with the idea of breaking things up into official chapters… but I really have no idea where a lot of these arcs begin or end.  Even the folders on my own computer are ridiculously too big and imprecise, working it out for browsing purposes would never actually work.  And so I decided to just rely on tagging the individual page elements and using the “chapter” feature to just keep track of which year the page was in.  I can’t wait to see how out of date this paragraph looks in ten years when the whole site’s been overhauled AGAIN!)