*sigh* This is exactly the kind of page I HATE having to write, but can’t seem to avoid. There’s this mountain of built up information that needs to get shared amongst all these characters before the plot can actually move forward, and somehow I gotta cram it all into comic form. It took FOREVER to work out what lines were necessary to explain future pages and what I could cut out (you guys don’t want to know how close you came to a full explanation of why they don’t just use those sensors to scan for Dr. Calagari’s life signs), and THEN I had to go over it all again to find a way of making all that exposition somehow ENTERTAINING.

That said, I do like how the page finally turned out. Layla and Tabitha are both really fun when they’re annoyed, so having them grate against each other like this was QUITE enjoyable.

Also, I was just thinking about all the stuff I have to do to get ready for Katsucon in a little bit, and I just realized something: KATSUCON = FAR OUT THERE’S BIRTHDAY! This comic’s gonna be a whopping TWO YEARS OLD!!! Gosh, I should probably DO something…

(Historical Notes: Okay, I’ve defended Tabitha being a lot grumpier in these comics than she’d be in later appearances, and still say it’s not entirely out of character given the situation, but there is NO way we’re ever going to here the words “self-obsessed strumpet” come out of Tabitha’s mouth every again.)