…and here I though Scientific Progress Goes “Boink.”

Anyway, NEW FANART!!!! Go to the fanstuff page and look at them! THAT’S AN ORDER!!!

So, for you nitpickers out there, the reason Tabitha’s only NOW recognizing what Dr. Calagari is using to control the robots is because the power signals from the overloading generators and the then-unidentified void thing were scrambling the sensor readings. Now that the generators are off and the void has been identified, it was easy for Tabitha to clean up the readings and figure out what’s going on. I mention all that HERE because I cut out a line of dialog explaining all this for fear of stating the obvious. Reading over the page again just now, though, I worry that it’s not as clear to everyone else as it seemed to me. I need to start realizing these things BEFORE the art’s done.