Man, there’s a LOT of continuity craziness going on here. Aside from that bit of lampshading regarding the whole robot issue, we’ve got some deliberate and accidental art changes on display. First, you’ll no doubt notice that Layla and Ichabod look a little different in the last panel. Honestly, I just got tired of drawing the same outfits for everyone this long, and being crammed in a room with who knows how many other people seemed like a good excuse for the two of them to take their coats and scarfs off. Unfortunately, I didn’t plan on this back on page 124 when we saw them bundling up, and the shirts we saw there were just plain boring. Thus, in a VERY uncharacteristic act, I’ve decided to screw continuity and just make the wardrobe more interesting. If this isn’t proof that my mind has recently been taken over by some alien intelligence, I don’t know what is.

Then again, this has been happening gradually for a while now. I had to frantically shop Madam Ventricle’s eye-patch to the right side of her face (ironically, the LEFT side), and realized somewhere in the middle that her HAIR now looks nothing like it did when she first appeared. Oh well.

Speaking of art, I’ve received some awesome new fanart, but DrunkDuck doesn’t seem to want me to upload any of it right now. Hopefully it’ll be up come Friday, so saty tuned. In the mean time, check out these nifty pictures of Ichabod, Layla, Trigger, Avatar, Tabitha, Skye, Stilez and Tax! I’m eventually gonna put color versions up here somewhere, but these things turned out so well that I wanted you all to go ahead and see these versions. Yay!

(Historical note: Well, I DID color Layla’s pic to use as an ad, but I never did get around to the rest, mostly because my evolving art style so rapidly left most of them behind.)