Well whaddaya know! Bridget and Alphonse got their spotlight page pretty quickly, didn’t they? And now we know that Bridget isn’t the ONLY one with some unnatural strengths to boast of.

Also… um… uh… Okay, I gotta be honest. I want to ramble a little about how I put a LOT more effort into the background details this time, or how much color ended up getting used here, or how hard it was to get the zombie kids expressions right when they don’t have frickin’ MOUTHS… but I’m tired. We only just had the last of our post-holiday guests go back home today, and all the entertaining and hanging out and stuff that went on these past few weeks has left me pretty far behind on comic work. Getting this page done was all-nighter, so I’m just gonna shut up, post this thing, and do something else. Enjoy!

(Historical Notes: I got really, really confused trying to coordinate the dates of the Drunk Duck and SmackJeeves postings for this page… which not only doesn’t mean anything for this re-posting project, but also wasn’t ACTUALLY confusing at all.  I just shouldn’t be trying to do something like this the day after a veeeeeery road trip-heavy convention weekend.)