Really, this would be my first idea, too. In fact, that’s usually my first idea for ANYTHING, I just usually don’t suggest it out loud.

My favorite thing about this, though, is Tabitha’s response. It really WOULD be the fastest way to shut down everything in the room, after all. Clearly, the ONLY thing that makes the notion of decimating the entire room in a giant explosion un-doable is the energy-eating vortex thing above their heads.

Trigger, Tabitha, and myself all must play too many video games.

EDIT: Awww DANG IT!!! Something about this page was bugging me all through the drawing process here, and I only now realize what it was: I FORGOT TO INCLUDE BRIDGET AND ALPHONSE!!! I am seriously ashamed of myself right now, and will no doubt have to feature them VERY prominently in an upcoming page to atone for this crime.