Well, I guess now we know where Dr. Caligari got off to. He must be maniacally chuckling softly to himself if Trigger and Skye can’t hear him, though.

While I really like how this page turned out, I can’t help being annoyed by the last panel. I spent FOREVER trying to get the perspective right, but the BEST way to communicate the sheer height in that image didn’t occur to me until I was almost done shading the thing: the Doc and the top of that reactor/generator/whatever should be sticking out the edge of the frame, as if they’re COMMIN’ RIGHT AT YA!!!

…well, at least I managed to do a page were EVERY panel has a real background. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

(Historical Notes:  A full decade later, and it STILL bugs me that I didn’t think of that perspective trick.  I really like how this page turned out otherwise, but that’s a REALLY glaring missed opportunity.)