Because EVERYONE loves it so freaking much, the Wall of Text returns! WHEEE!!!

Normally, I feel the need to get all apologetic when I do pages like this. After all, they are basically admitting that I’ve let myself get backed into a corner and have abandoned any attempt to naturally weave exposition into the action. This time, though, I apologize for NOTHING. If this page hadn’t been %99.5 text, there seriously would have been no comic today. Between hosting anime club stuff Sunday, helping someone move yesterday, scrambling to get a 20+ page side project done by the end of this week, AND trying to get stuff together for Otakon next month, I went into this page horrendously behind schedule. Thankfully, a page like this takes, like, five minutes to ink, even if your arms ARE throbbing with pain from lugging bookshelves in and out of a U-Haul.