I somehow don’t think this relationship is going to be long-lived.

Man, this was a HARD page to get done. I’m not talking about the wild coloring on the big panel (that was complicated, but not all that hard), I mean it was hard to force myself into actually DOING the dang thing. I mean, I had to pound out 17 pages in 48 hours for Conventional Wisdom this week, so I a feeling VERY burned out right now.

…and then I got to write the line “I’ll show you the Bunny Grinder” and that made everything all better. 😀

(Historical Note: Man, I can’t even BEGIN to imagine maintaining that level of mad productivity on Conventional Wisdom, or anything else, at this point in my life.  In fact, the number of times I DID do it is probably one of the main reasons I can’t anymore.  On a less burnout-related note, this page is, in a weird way, one of the absolute prototypical Far Out There pages.  Disturbingly messed up in a way that’s rather adorable and colorful.  This is right up there on the list of ten pages I’d use to explain Far Out There to somebody, and the art’s not even that embarrassing for this era, either!)