What, you thought the only thing we was learning all that time was how to cross wires?

Gosh, it’s kind of disorienting not having a list of cameos to write down here. I guess I have to actually, you know, THINK about notes now…

Actually, I’m just now realizing what a weird turn of events this is. I’ve had the LATTER half of this plot arc planed out for a while, but a lot of this set-up stuff I’m just kind of improvising as I go. Since my own focus is stuck on where all this will end up, it never really dawned on me that the rest of you must be going “Um, why is Trigger crawling into the wall?”

…and I LIKE it >:D

(Historical Notes: There’s the obvious “Get used to making stuff up as you go” jokes to be made here, but it’s more than just the comic flying more and more out of control.  I started Far Out There with a HUGE stack of page rough drafts already written out, so most of the first year was just me following those pre-existing blueprints as closely as possible.  I’d tinker with LITTLE details, but the overall structure would remain true to the original.  But as time went on, those little details started to build up.  Characters started to evolve and change, some running gags evolved into full-on plots, while others dried up and withered away.  More and more, I found myself tossing out planned pages because they no longer fit the voice of the characters or the tone of what the comic had become, and that obviously meant coming up with new stuff to fill the vacuum.  And, as always, the last-minute additions almost always turn out to be the funniest parts!)