Don’t you hate it when a cartoonist spends a post like this complaining about how he doesn’t like the way a page turned out? ESPECIALLY when all the false humility is just a cover for the fact that he cut a lot of corners rather than really work? I do, which is why I’m not going to enjoy writing this:

As I mentioned last time, this previous weekend was ABSURDLY busy for me, so I put off working on this page until yesterday. Problem was, said insane business caused me to forget that I was supposed to go to a concert Monday night (YAY OF MONTREAL!) right when I’d expected to be working on THIS thing. Thus, this page was rushed through in fits of hurried desperation and late-night exhaustion. Otherwise, I would have put a lot more detail on the background and redone Layla and Dr. Vanderslice’s speech balloons.

Speaking of which, there’s a rambling rant behind those, but you’ll have to go to the forum to hear it (dang it, I’ll get you people to start using that thing SOMEHOW!)

(Historical note: STILL working on this)

Finally, CAMEOS ARE BACK!!! It won’t last too much longer with the number of characters I have left, though. Don’t be afraid to send in more characters, guys! It’s not over ’till I say it is, and I won’t say that until I run out of characters!

Anyway, watching the machinery get torn down in the first panel (and second, if you look closely) is Michael from Mad Scientist Wars.

And in the bottom panel, apparently wondering when the next event will start, is Robin Hood from Niccea’s Red and White

(Historical Notes: If you don’t want to deal with the old forum, the gist of the post is that I don’t know enough about science OR economics, shady or otherwise, to convincingly write a whole page’s worth of dialog about both.  Purely meaningless technobabel, sure.  Stuff that actually has to add up logically, not so much.  The previous page already cut it waaay to close to not actually making sense, and I didn’t want to try for something even harder here.  So instead I ripped off an old Dominic Deegan page where Dom and Luna talk nerdy magic stuff via symbols.  That’s how creativity works.)