This page is going up an hour or two early, partially to celebrate a Far Out There page NOT being late for the first time in several weeks, but also to celebrate that it even got done at all.  For a while over the weekend, that really seemed like it was NOT guaranteed to happen.  Every so often, I’ll have these moments where I just… forget how to art, and it was happening all weekend.  Like, I still haven’t done those “weekly” anime comics I usually put out over the weekend, ‘cos drawing just wasn’t happening.  Thankfully, things actually started clicking again this morning, and I was at least able to get THIS done.  And hopefully, it won’t affect there being a TWC Voting Incentive this Friday either, especially because I’m already planning for there to NOT be one next week, due to something ELSE being added to the schedule for that week.  Stay tuned!

EDIT: Sadly, I must report that there WON’T be a fresh TWC Incentive this week.  I am not pleased by this, but I am also very VERY tired right now, and I haven’t even started work yet.  If I try to get something done, it wouldn’t be ready until WELL into Friday morning, and it’s more than likely that I’d just pass out well before that point.  We’ll see how much time that other stuff I’m working on for next week takes, maybe I’ll be able to squeeze an Incentive in there after all.  I dunno.  Sorry!