page 1351 – Trigger Warning (no, not him)
Oh, okay. This didn’t end up being THAT late. I was afraid I wouldn’t be getting this up until sometime on Wednesday. Noon on Tuesday is pretty good. And you know what’s better? The whole reason this page was running behind is because I spent a big chunk of the weekend when I SHOULD have been drawing this writing another Far Out There short story for Patreon! This isn’t another chapter in that Ichabod thing, it’s a stand-alone bit you can read all on its own. So yeah! Content!
But anyway, this comic once again takes stuff we’ve all already been talking about and just makes it official, but that still counts as forward story momentum, dang it!
And hopefully, there’s be a new TWC incentive up on Friday, assuming I don’t destroy my work flow even worse with MORE Patreon projects. I mean, it IS the end of the month, after all…
EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!
I’m actually surprised she remembered his name. I figured it would have to be more like “Whatever happened to…ummmmm…….” and then the host chimes in “Avi”. And she says “Oh yeah! Avi!”
Re: hovertext – they sort of did, only in typical ultra-rich person fashion, they made his life into a fantasy tv show that he can imagine he’s the star of, so he’s in the screen rather than in front of it.
That would actually be too stereotypical. Also, Avi is the one who sends personalised Christmas Cards to the entire family. I suspect that he’s kind of like the family’s weird uncle in that you forget they exist most of the time, but you know exactly who they are whenever you’re reminded of their existence.
On Re: hovertext reply – The problem with that explanation is that he’s not aware that he’s on a Fantasy TV Show. And another if his Fantasy TV Show Exploits weren’t effectively a way to throw him & his friends in a prison without revealing the fact that he’s technically imprisoned to him or anyone else.
Tabitha: “Why can’t everyone just have a perfectly normal ordinary Mom like I do?”
(Of course she probably thinks the Zombie Kids have a normal ordinary mom also…)
I almost made a joke in reply to this, but then the tongue-biting protocol kicked in.
We know from a side-story that Tabitha’s Mom is a brain-in-a-jar. But she’s loving, caring, and genuinely keeps track of her child & husband’s lives and interests. To the point where they’re both scared of crossing her, presumably due to not wanting to sit through a lecture about how they’re bad family. In other words, she’s the best parent we’ve seen in the entire series, superior to Augusta (insert words here) Hector primarily in that she isn’t a ditz who is ignorant of the realities of her family situation. Tabitha is penalised due to her children being zombies, making her status should be considered to be a parental unit, or as a surrogate/adoptive parental unit (like The Cap’n) unclear.
…actually, that feels like it should be saying something, but we honestly haven’t met enough direct-parent characters in the story for me to say that it actually is saying anything of note.
Sorry, I shouldn’t have said “side story” when I meant “voting incentive”. A voting incentive that’s up in the Gallery.