Oh, okay.  This didn’t end up being THAT late.  I was afraid I wouldn’t be getting this up until sometime on Wednesday.  Noon on Tuesday is pretty good.  And you know what’s better?  The whole reason this page was running behind is because I spent a big chunk of the weekend when I SHOULD have been drawing this writing another Far Out There short story for Patreon!  This isn’t another chapter in that Ichabod thing, it’s a stand-alone bit you can read all on its own.  So yeah!  Content!

But anyway, this comic once again takes stuff we’ve all already been talking about and just makes it official, but that still counts as forward story momentum, dang it!

And hopefully, there’s be a new TWC incentive up on Friday, assuming I don’t destroy my work flow even worse with MORE Patreon projects.  I mean, it IS the end of the month, after all…

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!