page 1350 – not exasperating at all
Heeeeeeeeey, guess who’s really running behind on stuff again! This week, though, I’m doing the responsible thing and posting rough edit of the page instead of just putting the whole update off until the next day. Of course, if you’re tuning in on Tuesday morning and actually ARE seeing said rough edit, then you can hopefully also see why I felt the need to wait until I had the final draft ready last week. The whole “Hey look, it’s Avi’s family!” joke kinda doesn’t land as well before all that blue skin gets added in, ya know? Sure, there’s still the hair and the theatrics. but the blue is kinda essential.
So, yeah, check back here either later in the day or tomorrow morning to see the version with cleaned up line art and all the bells and whistles added and possible some extra stuff to fill in some of that weird empty space in a few of these panels, I dunno. We’ll see. And as usual, also check back Friday for another TWC voting incentive!
EDIT: Oh boy, am I glad I went ahead and posted that rough draft when I did. I laid down for a bit of a nap mid-editing, and suddenly the whole day was basically done. But it’s done now! Click here to see the original posting of this page and compare/contrast all my fiddling.
1/24 EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!
1/27 EDIT: The bad news, page 1351 is going to be way late again. The GOOD news, it’s because I got wrapped up in doing a special Far Out There thing on Patreon! So go check that out while you wait for the next comic!
The thing is, Avi pretty much just needs some direct attention from his family to deal with some of the worst excesses he currently has. Like taking a 3 Day Photo Shoot purely to send out Individualised Greeting Cards to everyone in his family.
Apart from that, he needs a few years to grow up, and at 18, if he looks after himself, Avi MIGHT be permitted by his family to become a model. Probably not, though, as there’s less of a market for Male Models. Female Models sell to females through promoting Fashion & to males through being attractive females they can buy pictures of for their imaginations.
Male Models do the same thing, though the genders are flipped, but the market for Men’s Fashion is a fifth of the size of Female Fashion (if I’m being optimistic), and, due to Earth & especially Western Culture that has enough carry over that we’ve seen enough associated information to say is imitated through most of the FOT Universe, Female-Marketed perverted images make less direct sales than the male-marketed ones.
I’m just kind of assuming that the ladies in this family make a big deal out of each other as a way of indirectly making a bid deal out of themselves. There are some key factors in which Avi doesn’t remind the Raban women of themselves, and since they generally don’t care about anything other than themselves, that puts him at an automatic disadvantage.
That actually implies that how much these three care about each other might be real. Not necessarily about the words about dying for the family, but everything else. After all, all three of them are close to being copies of each other, and if they only care about themselves & things that remind them of themselves, having family members that remind them of themselves is something to care about.
It could be a strange situation where their similarities actually tie them together, instead of fighting against each other. Please note this makes the following my head-cannon (that I will likely forget in a few hours):
The similarities in the females of Avi’s family ends up creating the unenviable position of him having an uncanny-valley effect on the females of his family. He’s male, but close enough in appearance to them that the differences due to his gender actually stand out more to them than on anyone else. Despite it being objectively false, this makes him look ugly to his female family members specifically, and they don’t want anything to do with him as a result of THAT.
I just went back and looked through the recent comments, only to see Blitz’s “*TONGUE-BITING INTENSIFIES*” on page 983 from January 2021. I decided to look at what he was biting his tongue about all the way back then, and realized at least one of the things he was biting his tongue about was THIS PAGE.
Only… (checks back) 7 years after the comic in question was initially posted, and 4 years after it was uploaded to the current independent website, and we finally effectively find out what Blitz was biting his tongue about 4 years ago!
And I said “effectively” there, because the part of the conversation that resulted in tongue biting back then, and the conversation I stated on this page NOW basically covers the same subject. Avi’s likely being a Test Tube Baby who has never actually met his parents.
Okay, the conversation four years ago was about the entire “The Super Stupendous Justice Heroes Club”, and not just Avi, but still.
I think this is less a testament to how far ahead I plan things out, but just how long it takes me in realize the plans I actually do make (assuming there’s a difference, which is up for debate)
What you’re saying is that you aren’t planning things out far in advance. Instead, you’re planning things about the current & “nearby” story and it often takes longer to reach a point than you expect.
The fact that you created a new website, and uploaded all of your comics (with new commentary) to said website likely also provided a significant delay.