Heeeeeeeeey, guess who’s really running behind on stuff again!  This week, though, I’m doing the responsible thing and posting rough edit of the page instead of just putting the whole update off until the next day.  Of course, if you’re tuning in on Tuesday morning and actually ARE seeing said rough edit, then you can hopefully also see why I felt the need to wait until I had the final draft ready last week.  The whole “Hey look, it’s Avi’s family!” joke kinda doesn’t land as well before all that blue skin gets added in, ya know?  Sure, there’s still the hair and the theatrics. but the blue is kinda essential.

So, yeah, check back here either later in the day or tomorrow morning to see the version with cleaned up line art and all the bells and whistles added and possible some extra stuff to fill in some of that weird empty space in a few of these panels, I dunno.  We’ll see.  And as usual, also check back Friday for another TWC voting incentive!

EDIT: Oh boy, am I glad I went ahead and posted that rough draft when I did.  I laid down for a bit of a nap mid-editing, and suddenly the whole day was basically done. But it’s done now!  Click here to see the original posting of this page and compare/contrast all my fiddling.

1/24 EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!

1/27 EDIT: The bad news, page 1351 is going to be way late again.  The GOOD news, it’s because I got wrapped up in doing a special Far Out There thing on Patreon!  So go check that out while you wait for the next comic!