page 1348 – Technically, She Did What You Asked
…and then Tabitha spent the next hour or two learning about neck, shoulder, and back pain as well as excessively complicated undergarments. Clearly, we’re starting the new year off with only the most sophisticated and high brow speculative fiction content.
Okay, so I’m posting this page at, like, 9pm Monday night, and I’m already about to fall asleep at my desk as if I’d been working on this thing straight up to 5pm Tuesday morning. I am very much NOT recovered from December yet. But we’re getting there… and it’s a good thing, because I’m about to spend the next couple of days doing some pretty drastic re-arranging and furniture dragging around the house, so I’m also gonna end up recovering from THAT by the end of the week. Most shocking of all, it’s going to involve me completely unplugging and tearing down my whole computer rig. I may not survive, guys. Those cables are tangled up in ways that don’t conform to the laws of geometry as we know them.
But in all seriousness, I’m HOPING to have everything plugged back in and running in time to get a fresh TWC Incentive online by Friday.
EDIT: Ironically, most of the OTHER stuff I was expecting to be doing this week got pushed back indefinitely. But that just means the new Voting Incentive got done with minimal fuss!
1/14 EDIT: Hopefully this turns out to be unnecessary, but as I write this it’s 12:30 am and page 1349 isn’t even fully penciled yet. There’s a very real possibility that it won’t be ready to post until sometime Tuesday evening, especially if I have to take a break for frivilous, indulgent things like eating and sleeping. I dunno, we’ll see what happens.
If Tabitha really wanted to know, it’s not as if it would be difficult for someone who can create entire sentient humanoid life forms so create a 24-hour-temporary-mammary-enhancement pill. (Or she could just go down to the local MiffyMart and buy a bottle of them – I feel like this is a product that would definitely already have been created by any profit-hungry Mad Scientist)
In a weird way, I think this would overlap with how Tabitha prefers dressing OTHER people up in fanciful costumes more than just dressing HERSELF up. Like any good scientist, she wants to remove herself from the process enough for her data to be objective and uncompromised by personal involvement (or something like that)
Also, Tabitha’s so skinny, I question if her frame could even support any added weight. I feel like if her center of balance were thrown off like that, she’d just topple over.
Toppling over is good experimental data, though!
Besides, she already did that experiment where she was really short for a while 😉
And really, what am I even saying? Everybody in this universe already has a cranium the size of a beach ball anyway. The laws of balance clearly work different here.
What I was thinking is that a large chest, no matter how huge, would still be lighter than two pre-teen children. I’m reasonably confident we’ve seen Tabitha carrying both Alphonse & Bridget at the same time, so she has enough strength to carry them.
Added to which, she may be skinny, but she’s also a Mad Scientist, and that means that she sometimes needs to move lots of heavy equipment around. Bridget with her super-strength does help with the heaviest of things, but Tabitha still carries around quite a bit of metal regularly. So while she’s thin, I feel like she’d have a shocking wiry strength to her.
That’s a good point, actually. I can testify from lugging my nieces & nephews around that kids weigh a lot more than you’d think.
If Tabitha really wanted to know, she could probably make tape-on prosthetics to use for a week to a month. Hell, I’d be shocked if, in the heavily-commercialised far future of deep space, “Experience Simulator – Fake Breasts” didn’t already exist. You apply a paste to yourself, place on the artificial chest enhancers, and over the next month it looks and feels like your chest grows to a D-Cup, where it stays for a second month.
Sure, there’s health risks associated with it, but it’s old enough and enough safeties on the industry that even extended use has less health risks than most processed foods, with the most major ones being the typical back & neck muscle pain that comes as a side effect of having a large chest.