*yawn* You wouldn’t know it just from looking at it, but this page resulted in another laaaaaaate night.  See, this is another one of those instances where the page you see before you is nowhere close to what the original plan for page 1338 was.  No, the bulk of THAT idea is gonna end up being page 1339.  Yup, this is another one of those “Whoops, gotta split this into multiple comics” moments, and it resulted in me having to restart everything from scratch EMBARRASSINGLY late.

Well, if nothing else, that third panel wouldn’t have happened in the original plan for this page, and I think Stilez’s face is my favorite part of the whole comic.  So that’s something.

Also, don’t forget there’s a new TWC Voting Incentive that started up last week!  The next page will go up this Friday, and hopefully THAT one one won’t to be restarted the way this comic did!

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is now up… that I didn’t even start until after I finished a new Conventional Wisdom… that isn’t actually even online yet, because I really needed to get this up before I fell asleep… and now I’m going to go fall asleep…