…well, it’s not as late as LAST week’s page.  So at least there’s that!  Yeah, sorry about the delay.  Remember last week when I said I’d toyed with the idea of showing Tabitha running around in the background with tools and stuff?  Well, when that got axed from the previous comic, the idea kind of metastasized into this one.  Because the idea was (relatively) last minute, however, I didn’t have things planed out very well, and actually wound up throwing out the art for the second panel and starting all over again.  Obviously, that really put me behind schedule, and that eventually resulted in me getting into one of those early-morning “I can get this done before I fall asleep I just need to power through and stay awake long enough to finish this- ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz” situations.  Yadda yadda yadda, I really should have just queued up a rough draft of this page to go live while I was polishing up the final draft.  Oh well.

By the way, there’s some in-jokes to the recent TWC Voting Incentives in this one, if you’ve been paying enough attention to catch it.  AND SPEAKING OF WHICH, if everything goes according to plan (ha!) we should be having the last of the Stilez & Tax Adventures over on TWC later this week, and a whole new Incentive series starting up next week!  Place your bets on which characters I’m always talking about wanting to do more comics about will end up staring in THIS series!

EDIT: That TWC finale is up!