FINALLY!  Sorry for the wait, gang.  I didn’t realize just how long it’d been since I did a page with this many individual panels and did NOT manage my time accordingly.  I mean, you wouldn’t THINK that a few people standing around talking would take longer to draw than a glowing angelic vine chair apperating out of nowhere, I clearly didn’t.  But big or small, wacky or boring, more pictures means more editing, and more editing means more time.  And heck, this is the shortcut version!  My original plan had been to have Tabitha running around in the background getting started on cleaning everything up, but it became clear pretty quickly that this page was taking too long to do even without backgrounds… though to be honest, I probably would have had to drop that bit anyway, just because there wouldn’t have been room for it.  I say again, it’s been a LONG time since I did a page with this many panels.

Now, the REAL fun thing will be seeing just how many times over the course of this week I get confused over what day it is, since it totally feels like a Monday night what with me posting this and all.

BUT ANYWAY: Avi would probably be complaining to the other kids about being friendzone’d at this point, right?

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up, which incidentally is THE SECOND TO LAST ADVENTURES OF STILEZ & TAX I’LL BE DOING!  I’ve finally come up with an idea I like for a new incentive series, and hopefully it’ll start the week after next!