Holy crap, Tabitha obviously opened a portal all the way to Christmas, because when was the last time we saw FRANK and company in a comic other than a holiday cameo? ANd before you ask, yes, this is basically the same gag as way back in page 291, but that comic was HOLY CRAP FOURTEEN YEARS AGO. Is that too spread out for this to count as the start of a running gag? Has it graduated to a full-on callback at this point? But yeah, all of this build up, just to drop a monstrous pile of food on top of Frank. Comedy. (And yes, I had to REPEATEDLY look up old comics to remember how to even draw these people)

Anyway, HOPEFULLY this week will finally have be back in something resembling a “normal routine” again.  Just when I thought I was finally getting over the post-Otakon craziness, I wound up helping my sister’s family move. So, yeah, you can imagine that kind of threw a lot of things off for a while. I dunno, watch me finally get everything laid out for a totally regular productive week, and then we get slammed by a massive hurricane or something.

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!