WHEW! I made it! Okay, there’s the story: My goal had been to get page 1331 finished and queued up to go live BEFORE I left for Otakon last week. I… only SORT of  got it done. By the time I had to head out, I had a rough draft of this page edited up, enough to get the joke across, so I had to load that instead.  I sure didn’t WANT to, because I’d done the line art very sloppy with the expectation that all the glowing effects would cover up a bunch of messy places… messy places that would be on full display if you just looked at the crude version. And that’s especially embarrassing seeing as how half the reason I was even going to Otakon was to try and get new people to check out my comics. You kind of don’t want somebody’s first impression of your thing to be a sloppy mess, ya know?  But there was every chance that I’d come back home with con crud or whatever, and couldn’t risk there just not being a new page at all on the scheduled day.  So, I did what I had to do and queued up the rough draft… then IMMEDIATELY got back to work on finishing the page the second I got page one of the Conventional Wisdom comics posted Monday morning.  Not a dull moment!

But yeah, I finally managed to get the finished version of the comic done, sparing myself the embarrassment of anyone seeing the sloppy version… so here’s a link to that sloppy version anyway. Because of COURSE I’m still gonna make that available anyway.

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!