Aww, how considerate and convenient and totally not a prelude to anything!

Anyway, hosekeeping: If you missed me saying this when I added the new TWC Voting Incentive, I’ll say it again.  I’m out of town over the weekend for Otakon, and that’s throwing everything in a tizzy around here.  TECHNICALLY, page 1331 isn’t due up until well after I get back… but it’s a given that I’ll be coming back utterly exhausted, AND with a whole pile of new Conventonal Wisdom pages to draw.  Thus, I’m queuing this page up all the way back on Sunday, and will be TRYING to get page 1331 already done and queued up before I leave on Thursday.  Also, while I’ve already got the art for the next TWC Voting Incentive drawn, I may need to go ahead and put it up on Wednesday night, since scheduling those is still a dark magic I’ve never mastered. I dunno, we’ll see what happens.  So if I seem even more absent than usual, this is why.  LOTS of irons in the fire right now.

EDIT: Okay, I went ahead and swapped out the TWC Voting Incentive, just to make sure I don’t forget later. Also, I’ve gone ahead and queued up a ROUGH version of page 1331, but hopefully will have time to color it in between me getting back home on Sunday and when it goes live on Tuesday. The imporatnt thing is, even if I’m totally wiped out, there’s SOMETHING that’ll go up on the scheduled time! So I… sort of pulled it off?