First off, don’t forget there was a bonus special comic that went up on Sunday!

…because DANG, I really did come close to cashing in my thread to push this comic back a day.  And not just because I did some extra Far Out There stuff, either.  Turns out the main Father’s Day present was actually spending the weekend helping my Dad clear out the basement before some major renovation work.  So, yeah, I was not exactly in a productive state of mind for much of Saturday and Sunday… BUT HERE WE ARE!  It got done!  I had to cheat and just do a bunch of layers of color gradients instead of actually coloring in all the characters, but THE PAGE GOT DONE!

Also, as far as I know, there shouldn’t be anything happening in the next few days that should get in the way of a new TWC Voting Incentive.  Lets see how bad I just jinxed it!

EDIT: …aaaaaand I guess I TECHNICALLY did indeed forget about getting a new Voting Incentive done, but then I bolted out of bed and got something up in time, so you’d probably never even know it had slipped my mind if I hadn’t mentioned it just now… why did I mention it just now?