This page primarily exists because I felt like drawing Tabitha making some funny faces.  That, and it’s been a while since we could clearly see that T-shirt she’s wearing.  I strive achieve lofty and ambitious creative goals in my work.  And yes, I had to go back and re-read multiple pages to remind myself just what the heck Tabitha actually HAD done earlier.  Why, it’s almost as if the events in this comic are really silly and difficult to process.

Anyway, we SHOULD finally be back to the regular schedule of a new TWC Voting Incentive on Friday.  I’ve still got a whole heck of a lot of Conventional Wisdom comics to get done, but for once I managed to get a halfway decent head start on penciling pages at the con itself, so that’s taking a BIT of the pressure off.  Hopefully that last sentence won’t look embarrassing a month from now…

EDIT: FINALLY!  There’s a new TWC Voting Incentive up! Oh, and speaking of things finally being up, I also finally got all the links of the store working again! Oh, you didn’t know the store wasn’t working? …yeah, me neither.  I have NO idea how long that was all screwed up.  BUT IT’S ALL WORKING NOW!  In fact, I finally did what I’ve been threatening to do for a while and made a new shirt design out of the one Tabitha’s wearing here!  Because why not?