I mean, it’s not exactly a stretch to assume that sort of thing about Tax, and it’s not like Avatar is the ONLY one to ask these questions, either.

Anyway, I’m queuing this page up on Monday morning, a whole day in advance, because I am still running WAAAAAAAAAY behind on Animazement prep.  On that note, I’m just gonna go ahead and say that there’s probably not gonna be a new TWC Incentive this Friday.  I mean, it’s still TECHNICALLY possible, but with the amount of stuff I still need to get done over the next few days, it’s not at all likely.  Better to just assume it won’t happen, and then be pleasantly surprised if something actually DOES happen.  I mean, stranger things have happened.  I COULD spontaneously have three or four different things turn out to take way less time than I expected all in a row.

Also, just for the record, it’ll be my birthday when this goes live.  I shall be celebrating in the traditional manner: sitting in my room with a printer and a cutting board making lots of flyers.  Whee.

5/28 EDIT: I hate to do this, but due to post-convention exhaustion, I’m still not even CLOSE to having page 1321 done.  There’s just no way it’s gonna be up before Wednesday. But it IS in progress!  As for how that affects the odds of there being a new Voting Incentive on Friday… we’ll see.