I love the timing of this. I wrote this page weeks ago, thinking about what happens EVERY time I head out to an anime convention, and it ends up being the page I finish the day after I get back from one. If you’re ever in doubt where your con is, just follow the gang of 14 year old Kingdom Hearts cosplayers. 😀

Oh, and those aren’t just ANY old mad scientists in this page. From left to right, that’s Dr. Horrible (of the Sing Along Blog), Dr. Clayton Forrester (from Mystery Science Theater 3000), and Dr. Daisuke Serizawa (as seen in Godzilla). Is my geekdom showing much?

Speaking of cameos, there’s still plenty of time to submit your characters for the Far Out There Cameo Fest! The first pages with people’s characters will be appearing before long, but you can still get in on the action! Check the forums for all the info!

(Historical Notes: I guess I should technically put a disclaimer somewhere for new readers that this offer is no longer valid.  You can never underestimate some people, right?)