page 1258 – every family has one
Okay, so aside from the obvious chance to draw some really wonky monsters and play with some weird color effects, this page is also me trying to make good on something that’s gone under-utilized for a WHILE. I’ve often implied that Tabitha’s severely out of touch with how regular people do stuff, but most of the time that only comes across in the form of big, zany mad scientist craziness. Yes, that’s technically what this page is about too, but it’s applied to something more grounded. We’ve also had it hinted that the reason she keeps trying to put Layla in such skimpy outfits all the time is because, outside of lab gear, her whole concept of fashion comes from what she sees in comics and video games and the like. It just never occurs to her that most normal people don’t actually wear all fanservice, all the time. Buuuut then I realize that was a hard joke to tell without, ya know, actually drawing a lot of fanservice, and this aspect of Tabitha’s character kind of got lost during the course correction. But I do still like the whole idea of really weird characters finding really plain things utterly fascinating.
Of course, the big brain upper level meta joke is that, in the Far Out There universe, that’s not even all that weird at all. In fact, cooking eggs in a frying pan is probably the LEAST common way. I mean, it doesn’t even glow a weird color!
EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up! AND a new comic page just went up on Patreon last night/this morning!
2/7 EDIT: Lame news, but I was feeling like CRAP all weekend, so page 1259 is really lagging behind. I’m gonna try to get it up before Tuesday’s over,but at the rate things are currently going, I’d be kinda surprised if the page was ready before Wednesday.
Cooking eggs in some manner of boiling water would remain the most common way to cook them, with using a frying pan being a standard second. What would change is the method to apply heat to said water or frying pan. An elephant that releases a gas that burns a fun colour when someone stands on its only existing leg, a monstrous fusion of biology and machinery that’s back heats up when weight is directly applied, or standard sealed microwave ovens (similar enough in appearance to the one likely in your own kitchen) being used as the means to create the boiling water or hot pan are all fairly commonplace in the FOT Universe.
…the most horrific of which being the microwave to heat up things for cooking purposes.
That, or adding water to powdered versions of said food.
Adding… Water? This is FOT, water is already a part of the dried product 75% of the time! You probably need to add something like Sodium (like Blip needed), and while it’ll “work” with various types of Salt (Sodium + Another Element), it’ll only actually tastes like some sort of food product (or waste) if you add pure sodium, and there isn’t any combination that tastes good.
Yeah, in Far Out There, it’s need to me some much more random ingredients.. or really esoteric stuff. Like “Instant Spaghetti! Just add depth!”
Or maybe recursive? “Instant eggs! Just add eggs!”
Hovertext: I pity the EvilKitchenMonster that tries to eat Bridget!
(more like she had to stay outside with Alphonse so he’d be less terrified by whatever horrible noises he might hear from the kitchen)
I didn’t actually read the Hovertext. Honestly, I thought that Tabitha was older than she is in that flashback when she resurrected Alphonse & Bridget. I even looked back for their creation story, but couldn’t find it under “Mad Science” or “Flashback”, so I have no idea where that is now.
I mean, the last time they made eggs, Bridget was probably outside the room keeping Alphonse calm despite the possibility of hearing spooky noises. But I don’t think they were around at the time that flashback image was taken. Besides, if Bridget and Alphonse were around, wouldn’t it be better for Bridget to be holding the second monster release while Tabitha keeps Alphonse calm? That way Bridget gets to have fun doing something cool, while Alphonse gets mommy cuddles! The only loss is Bridget not getting mommy cuddles at the same time!
Tabitha’s family album:
Yeah, if she’s got short hair, then it’s a pre-Bridget & Alphonse flashback. The hover text is there because I’d STARTED to at the kids into the background of the BOTTOM panel, but then got too lazy to do it, and THEN got self-conscious about it.
Ah, that explains it. Thanks for the note.