Page 124 – Must Make Holiday Get Togethers Unhappy
You know I usually only comment on my art in a negative sense, but check out Planet Flairgy! That almost looks like something from a REAL comic!
Bet even for a fake comic, Far Out There has a pretty big weekend coming up. For one thing, yours truly be running all over Katsucon distributing special, all new, FREE Far Out There comics, which I just MIGHT feature on the site if you ask nicely. Even bigger, though, is the fact that Katsucon marks FAR OUT THERE’S FIRST BIRTHDAY!! Tune in this SATURDAY for a special celebratory post (right after Friday, which is kind of special itself for being page 125).
And, if all that wasn’t enough news, don’t forget to submit characters for THE FAR OUT THERE CAMEO FEST! There’s still plenty of room for you characters or characters to have a walk on and your comic to get a free shoutout! Don’t delay, send ’em in today!
(Historical Notes: I can’t remember if I’ve explained the “BLEAK LANDSCAPES” thing elsewhere. It’s a very, VERY obscure reference to Mystery Science Theater 3000 that I was trying to make into a running gag for a while. The opening skit of the Beast of Yucca Flats episode was based around introducing the movie like a political campaign… for some reason. Aspects of the film were plastered around the set like campaign slogans, even though none of it could make any sense to anyone who hadn’t already seen the movie. Thus, the episode starts with this big sign that says “BLEAK LANDSCAPES” and nothing else, with no context. As is often the case, I found it a lot funnier BEFORE I got the intended punchline, and wanted to slip the phrase into random pages of Far Out There just to confuse people. Alas, I keep going ages and ages without finding a chance to do it, so I don’t think it’ll ever become a true running gag. I do still like how the planet effect turned out, though.)
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