Page 121 – …Wait, WHAT?
…you know, I’m not sure how Layla could see to react to what just happened, but let’s just ignore that for now, ‘kay?
Well, I promised to tell ya’ll what’s in store for the bit one year anniversary, and… I guess I was being a little disingenuous. Technically, this is just a cool little promotional idea that I just HAPPENED to come up with on the verge of this blessed event. Anyway, here’s the deal: the next big story will involve a LOT of crowd scenes and background extras, and that provides a unique opportunity for cameos. Thus, I’m inviting anyone who wants to send me a picture of any original characters they’ve got (either in comics of their own or just someone they dreamed up) so that I can slip them into the pages to come! Better yet, I’ll give shout-outs to the original creators of said characters, as well as any other webcomics they might appear in. Who wants free publicity? YOU DO! YOU DO!
So, that’s the gist of the idea, visit the forum for all the nitty gritty details. Aight?
(Historical Notes: Oh man, and you thought we were on a trip down memory lane ALREADY with these old pages. Just you wait until we get to the cameo ones! …and it suddenly hits me I have no idea how many of the links in those page comments even still work. THAT’LL be fun to check out…)
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