Catty Avi is probably my least favorite Avi.  I find him strangely endearing when he’s genuinely oblivious to how awful he is, but openly jealous and blatantly hostile Avi is just plain insufferable.

Okay, so obviously the big deal news-wise is making sure any late arrivals know there was an April Fools page that went up later last week.  I’m tempted to make a self-deprecating remark about how this “extra page” still added up to fewer updates than I used to do on a weekly basis, but screw that mess.  This April Fools page had twice as much art in it than a regular Far Out There page, so I feel fully justified in feeling under the gun all week trying to get both that and THIS page done on time.  Unfortunately, all that extra work DOES mean that I still don’t have a new TWC Voting Incentive to go up with this page.  We’re ALMOST there, though!  The new sup-page for Incentives & Patreon stuff is finally set up enough for me to put a real, live, permanent link up top.  That’s how you know things are getting serious.  Baring any unforeseen disasters, I SHOULD have a full comic/incentive update for everybody this time next week.  At long last, Young Tabitha will FINALLY make it out of that transport thing!