(Historical Notes: Here’s another page that I clearly remember being waaaay too much fun to do, if for entirely different reasons.  I laughed out loud more than once while working on this page, both for the over-the-top art and also the ludicrous dialog.  Also, if I’m remembering correctly, I think “Lt. Duckyduck” was named by my niece, and that’s somehow the LEAST silly name on display here.  And yes, I do seem to recall the comment section having quite the reaction to these weirdos when this page first went live.

Oh, and speaking of reader interaction, if you’re seeing this in early February when it’s first being posted here, be sure to take part in the voting going on at my Patreon over what anime I’m going to start drawing “weekly” comics about!  As I write this on the 3rd, the poll is tied, so we need a tiebreaker!  And, of course, if you’re not a patron already, this is your subtle hint to maybe become one!)