Would you believe that today’s page was delayed because, halfway through the penciling, I was struck with a sudden, irresistible urge to draw a piece of Dirty Pair fanart? Professional as always, that’s me!

Honestly, this page should have happened a long time ago, but it only recently hit me that Tabitha would actually want to play with whatever’s on that ship over there. Well, I guess we can explain it away that, if anyone would scatterbrained enough to not remember what she wanted to do, it’s be Tabitha. Really, the important thing is that we get another reminder of a plot point that hasn’t come up in a while. Gotta keep these things fresh, or they’ll go bad.

Oh! But at least I got the TWC Voting Incentive done on time, at least!

(Historical Notes: Just for the record, yes, that big space map thing in the back of the second panel IS one of the various random diagrams that have popped up on screens in Star Trek over the years.  The Alt Text isn’t just being sarcastic.  Also, yeah, another page that primarily exists to move pieces around, or in this case explain why certain pieces AREN’T moving.  Hey, at least there’s SOME storyline purpose being serves here, that’s rarer than it should have been at this point.)