Once again, no color or Voting Incentive due to the whole “convention trip plus oncoming storm” thing. Speaking of which, hello people of the future who are discovering this webcomic from some scrap of paper at Anime Weekend Atlanta! There’s usually more color than this!

So, yeah, under normal circumstances, this page and Tuesday’s would have just been individual panels in a single page, but I reeeaaally needed to spread things out to make this deadline. Ironically, then I went and reused the background from the first time we saw the dining hall …which ended up adding a tremendous amount of work due to that early page being so much messier than my current art (and that’s saying something)/ And I ALREADY had this problem with the previous page, but STILL did it again! I don’t learn quickly.

Well, okay, I do learn a FEW things eventually. Like, I actually went ahead and did NEXT Tuesdays page at the same time as this one. On the one hand, that means it also won’t have any color. On the other hand, it means I WON’T have to dive straight into an update immediately after driving back from Atlanta, so I might actually have a chance to recover a bit before burning myself out on Conventional Wisdom stuff!

Oh, and speaking of which: if you think about it, PLEASE bug me about getting pages of Conventional Wisdom drawn during the con this weekend. Constant peer pressure worked WONDERS for the Otakon stuff, so hopefully it’ll help me get AWA comics done in advance, too! Remember, the sooner I get that update finished, the sooner I can focus on Far Out There for the rest of 2018!

(Historical Notes: My time revisiting this page had less to do with adding color and more with trying to correct some distractingly wonky perspective in that Food Nanny console.  It’s still a BIT wonky, but not distractingly so, and that’s all I really care about.  Also, Tarkus blushes real good.)