Groooooooaaaaaaaan, I really wanna be able to post a Far Out There page without saying anything about how close I am to posting a batch of Conventional Wisdom pages. But I really am almost finished with that first batch of Otakon comics, stupid flu or whatever ruining the head start I got from penciling all those pages during the con. No, really! For serious!

Let’s talk about Patreon stuff instead. I teased this a few times before, but there’s several new Far Out There things in the pipeline that’ll hopefully see the light of day soon. The big one, obviously, is the pile of half-finished pages of Jenna & The Fanclub from Planet Heart Throb waiting for me to finally start posting. I’ve been waiting to get enough of a backlog of finished pages to allow for actual weekly updates again, since… well, this page isn’t going up until the afternoon again. That about says it all right there.

Speaking of regular updates, something weird is happening with Far Out There blog posts. You know, those bonus things for the $2+ crowd? Well, I’ve been tinkering with another one for a while now, and to the surprise of no one who’s read the previous few, it’s gotten really long and rambly. This one, though, actually breaks down into smaller chunks very naturally, enough so that I’m just gonna start posting those chunks a week at a time rather than waiting until the whole thing’s done and dumping it all in one massive word glob. Actual weekly post! Can you imagine? Look for that stuff to start happening as soon as I clear the deck of this batch of Otakon comics.

Last of all, remember the Far Out There madlib comics? If you don’t already know, that’s where I’d post a comic summary with important words left out, so $5+ patrons could fill out mad lib style and I’d draw the best/first/only submission. I haven’t done one of those in a while because, like so many other things, I kept letting the comics get longer and more complicated and too hard to draw on top of all the other stuff. HOWEVER, I’ve had a few ideas on how to reformat the base madlib to try an rein in my own ambitions, and hopefully get the resulting pages done in a matter of WEEKS instead of months. I wanna start trying these ideas out, once again, as soon as I clear the deck of all this Conventional Wisdom stuff, so if wanna get in on this stuff, now would be a great time to become a Patron!

And, as long as I’m posting links, NEW VOTING INCENTIVE!

(Historical Notes: MAN, there’s a lot of snarky references to the future that I could make here.  Instead, let’s do what Past Me FORGOT to do and actually talk about the comic a little bit.  I don’t like the angry Layla up top anywhere near as much as I do the one in the previous page, mostly because Past Me pushes the Big Swollen Head bit too far.  The other panels work out pretty well, though.)