Well, THIS was a right disaster, wasn’t it?

So, aside from the usual “there’s a big Conventional Wisdom update that’s not finished yet” factors to keep me distracted, I also had a time sensitive, topical filler comic that needed to get done within an even narrower window than all the other stuff if it was gonna get done at all. I didn’t even finish inking this page until, like, 7am, and that’s before I had to MASSIVELY rearrange all the the speech bubble placement thanks to some rather drastic dialog revisions. Oh, and I’ve also been on a mad tear to actually finish Patreon stuff all week (including a new Far Out there blog post) which didn’t help matters much. So… yeah. Sorry the page was so late! Now I’m… gonna go to sleep early and spend all weekend drawing stuff.

Oh! And don’t forget there’s a new Voting Incentive which really sucks. IT’S A PUN THAT ONLY PEOPLE WHO’VE ALREADY SEEN IT WILL GET! HAH! (…yeah, I’ve been away way too long)

EDIT: GAH! I ALMOST FORGOT! There’s also a special Father’s Day page going up Sunday, so be sure to tune in for that too (I gotta stop forgetting to announce these things)

(Historical Notes: Oh, thanks Past Me.  That filler comic was posted on tumblr because I didn’t want to disrupt the Animazement stuff going up on that site, which actually means I can link to it even with the new Conventional Wisdom site not done!  And what’s more, it’s something that just gets more and more relevant every year!  Unfortunately, I DON’T know what the Voting Incentive Past Me is talking about was, not off the top of my head.  Also, it’s really hard to draw snapping fingers in a way where it’s visually obvious that’s what’s happening.)