What’s the one thing Layla enjoys more than making a whole lot of money from something? Being on a receiving end of a constant stream of attention and adulation (especially if it’s coming from a gaggle of cute and innocent little boys, apparently).

So, I’m not gonna lie, this originally wasn’t supposed to be a page. At best, it was supposed to be one panel out of a much larger page… but I REEEEEAAAAALLY needed to get something finished and posted before Animazement, so I massaged this gag enough that I THINK it stands on its own… or reclines contentedly on its own, at least. Either way, the REST of the intended page, the part that would have required drawing more than one panel, THAT will come next Tuesday.

Oh, but speaking of that convention that’s happening this weekend, there’s actually a new Voting Incentive on a convention weekend for once! Granted, it has more to do with the fact that I’m commuting to and from home for Animazement, meaning I can actually get on my own computer at night and do stuff rather than trying to fiddle with TWC stuff on my phone (me trying to do ANYTHING over my phone is a bad idea), but still! A new Voting Incentive! And this one is actually a rather important development too!

EDIT: It occurs to me that, since I’m writing this in THE FUTURE, I don’t actually know for sure if I’ll have gotten back home in time to switch Incentives before this page goes live. So if you vote and Tuesday’s incentive is still there, just try again in an hour or so. I promise, there IS a new page done.

5/29 EDIT: …and it’s early Tuesday morning, the new comic is only half drawn, and I’m still nowhere near physically recovered from Animazement. The new page WILL be done today… at some point. It is very, VERY likely that it will be pass out again before that point, though (I can’t promise anything about the Voting Incentive, but I’ll TRY to get it done in the same time period)

(Historical Notes:  Maybe it’s because I was in such a hurry to get this page done, but I seem to have briefly forgotten how to draw The Boys, or at least their hair.  There’s several weird little quirks that had otherwise only popped up in their first few pages.  I’m sure nobody other than me will even notice most of the stuff, but looking at so many of these pages in one huge blast really makes it stand out to me.  Also, I was going to make another crack about Past Me not taking enough of a break… but then a yawning fit hit and I realized that Present Me needs to take my own advice a bit more often.)