Honestly, I AM getting around to a straight answer. The explanation is just so exposition heavy that I had to move the set up to a separate page. Besides, the last couple of pages haven’t done much in terms of close ups or far away shots, so it’s nice to have a chance to work some of that back in.

Speaking of working back in, can you BELIEVE how long it’s been since Avatar had anything to do? What the heck?!?!?!?!?

EDIT: Oh, and because I forgot to change the live date before loading this page, you get to see it a few hours early! HUZZAH!!!

(Historical Note: This is yet another place where it’d be easy to lament days when I was getting stuff done fast enough for them to go up early BY ACCIDENT, but nope.  Instead, I’m going to lament that this new WordPress setup looks like it’ll make scheduling/reordering pages really different.  Not necessarily more difficult, just different from what I’m used to… which is possibly the most difficult thing of all. I can power through all KINDS of annoying things once I get used to it, but even a demonstrably better way can make things disastrous for WEEKS if it involves learning new habits and breaking old ones.)