…aaaaaand we’re back! Except not, because I actually did a special Mother’s Day page during my “time off”. I did NOT finish any extra pages to cover the next couple of weeks, which is what I really WANTED to do, but I managed to make progress on several other things that needed doing, and do feel an awful lot better than I did this time last week. So that’s good, right?

Anyway, WOW it’s been a while since we saw Bridget doing something, hasn’t it? So long, in fact, that I had to relentlessly comb over past pages to remember which of her various t-shirt designs she was supposed to be wearing here… and it turned out it wasn’t ANY of the ones I thought. I’d forgotten Bridget even HAD a Principal Baby shirt.

And look! There’s even a fresh Voting Incentive! Truly, everything is back on schedule. Now if only I could get a few steps AHEAD of schedule, as I really ought to be with a convention coming so soon…

(Historical Notes: I know I’ve been saying this a lot, but it’s honestly a bit upsetting to read so many of these pages where I’m clearly desperate for a vacation and freakin’ won’t just give myself one.  Realizing there’s still more than a full year to go before the hiatus finally kicks in is retroactively unsettling. Also, LOL Kitchen Sink.)