It’s a special Internet Edition of Halloween here at Far Out There! …he said, as if there’s ever something Far Out There related that’s NOT Internet bound. But seriously, unlike previous years, where the costumes were just whatever I thought of at the moment, we’ve got a theme this time: WEBCOMICS! Yup, every costume up there is from a webcomic I read (or used to read, as the case may be) The line up, from left to right, is…

Ichabod = Dominic from Dominic Deegan

Trigger = Elan from Order of the Stick (plus Banjo the Clown: God of Puppets)

Layla = Captain Holly from Zap!

Avatar = Sanda from Sandra and Woo (plus Blip as Woo)

Bridget = Chop Chop Ninja Doom from Springiette

Tabitha = Reka from RPG World

Alphonse = Zenther from FanFyria

(Obviously, I don’t own any of these characters. I’m required by law to say that, right?)

I’ve got mixed feeling about a few of these. I really wanted to represent Order of the Stick, but MAN it was hard to translate a stick figure character into my style and keep it recognizable. You can tell I was desperate since I went and changed Trigger’s hair color to make it work. Also, I really, really bet I got Zenther’s coloring wrong, just a gut feeling. I don’t have gripes about ALL of ’em, though. Layla makes one heck of a pirate, Bridget’s none to shabby as a ninja, and does anyone else think Avatar should totally wear her hair up like that more often?

I do wish I could have squeezed a few more of my favorite comics into this. Unfortunately, XKCD and UnConventional were out since one stick figure was enough of a headache, and Bittersweet Candy Bowl would have involved some really goofy-looking fur suits (or somebody running around nakers). Today Nothing Happened, on the other hand, would have involved characters dressing up as real, actual people, which just seems kinda… weird. Also, Someone TOTALLY should have been rocking some Dr. McNinja. How the heck did I let THAT slip?

Well, anyway, Happy Halloween everybody! Eat lost of candy and watch lots of Vincent Price movies! The usual update schedule keeps on rolling tomorrow, so keep tuning in for new comics and Voting Incentives!

(Historical Notes: Wow, sooooo many comics that aren’t active anymore.  See any of my previous comments on the subject for what I think about that.  Also, I’m realizing I’ve got to be a bit more… creative with the titles on some of these holiday pages.  For the most part, I don’t like having the date as part of the address for pages.  It’s clunky and ugly to look at and MOST pages have numbers already in their title to keep them distinct.  But then there’s multiple pages named “Happy Halloween!” that I need to amend so that they don’t start fighting over the same address.  It’s not a common enough problem to justify changing how page addresses in general are done, but it IS just one more thing to keep track of.)