Happy Slayerween! (2018)
HALLOWEEN ISN’T OVER ! This isn’t irredeemably late yet!
So, yeah, have a big, giant tribute to Slayers, everybody! No particular reason why I decided to devote the entirety of this year’s Halloween comic to this one specific anime, I was just thinking how Layla and Tabitha as Lina and Naga was a funny idea, and things just spiraled from there.
Actually, you know what’s really funny? Trigger genuinely, unironically looks the best in his costume out of ANYONE here.
Well, I managed to get this page AND a special Conventional Wisdom comic done, so now I’m gonna go spend the rest of Halloween… falling asleep. I’m such a party animal.
(Historical Notes: It was quite rightly pointed out that Trigger is obviously the only person in the whole cast innocent and pure enough to be a convincing Amelia… although Avi could probably pull off the loud posturing.)
WOO! my favorite anime! i love to see anything referencing slayers
I should probably go back to doing Real World costume references at some point, just to delight the handful of people who would actually recognize them.
i have gotten to cosplay zelgadis and xellos