Are you stuffed with unhealthy amounts of food yet? I dunno about you, but I usually fast until supper time just to make room for that extra few rolls. Surely, it’s what the Pilgrims would have wanted.

As I mentioned previously, this WAS just going to be a voting incentive, but it clearly deserved to be seen by everyone. Still, the last minute promotion means I couldn’t cram in as much detail as I would have liked. I mean, what kind of kitchen WOULD this family have? What does it look like when a little zombie girl does battle with cranberry sauce? And when are we ever going to see this mysterious “MOM”? …well, I would have left that last one a mystery for now either way. MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

But yeah, hope you’re having a great Thanksgiving… if you live in the US. If you don’t… overeat anyway! Tell everyone I said it was okay! And don’t forget to tune back in tomorrow for your regularly scheduled new comic AND a new voting incentive! (so go ahead and vote now if you wanna see the current one one more time)

(Historical Notes: Oh, this is the first page to feature my initial attempt at redesigning Tabitha!  Obviously, the main appearance changes haven’t happened yet, but her outfit is starting to drift more towards her standard look.  See the fingerless gloves.  You can’t see it, but I believe this outfit had the MST3l “Deep 13” logo on her shirt, which I eventually realized was kind of a bad idea since I’d never be able to sell my own versions of that.)