See if you can guess which card was made by Alphonse and which one was made by Bridget. Go on, see if you can figure it out!

Full confession: I actually already made this joke back in 2012, but some stuff about that page always bugged me. Specifically, Alphonse’s card just didn’t look “good” enough. I mean, it was enough of an improvement over Bridget’s for the joke to work, but… I dunno, it just needed a little something extra. THIS version of the idea makes the card look more like what passes for photorealism in Far Out There, which I think sells the contrast a lot better than just “hahaha Bridget’s bad at drawing”.

Also, I didn’t include the kids holding the cards this time. A purely artistic decision to place focus on the cards themselves and in NO WAY a consequence of me trying to get this done faster so I could start working on something for my OWN Mom.

(Historical Notes: Nice reader theory here, that Alphonse always wants to make his own cards, and so Bridget feels like she has to do the same.  Also, that picture of Tabitha would wind up getting recycled for her profile page, without all the paper textures, obviously.)