First off, HOLY CRAP that took so much monger to do than it looks like it did.  It always catches me off guard just how long little details like all the things in that box take to do, even BADLY.  Like, it’s not even hard work, it’s just loooooooooong work, and all of a sudden I realize it took me a whole day to finish something that LOOKS like it only took twenty minutes.

And on a second, related note, I’m afraid there’s not a new TWC Voting Incentive this week.  I hate to flake out right at the start of another monthly voting cycle, but I really did blow waaaay more time fiddling with this than you’d assume looking at the state of the version I finally posted here.  I just don’t got it in me to plow on ahead with working on an incentive, not with all the OTHER stuff I was supposed to get done this week but haven’t because I was too busy writing out text that nobody can actually read.

But we WILL have the regularly scheduled page 1327 come Tuesday!

EDIT: Oh hey look, a higher resolution look at the box!