There’s just something weird about giving kids something cute and cuddly and then expecting them to tear its head off with their teeth. I mean, sure, a lot of kids relish the opportunity, but then there are kids (like, Layla, when no one’s looking) who, you know, LIKE cute things.

So, those of you who who’ve been sticking with this comic for a while might be asking “Wait a minute: this guy spends every Christmas complaining about holiday art that’s nothing but Santa and presents, but then he draws an Easter comic that’s nothing but eggs and bunnies? I say, what is this hypocritical tomfoolery?!?!?” …because you’re apparently from the 1890s. Well, I could give you a long, complicated rationalization for my lapse in properly acknowledging the religious significance of Easter, but the truth is actually pretty simple. This page gave me an excuse to draw both Avatar and Blip playing AND have Layla be all blushing and cutesy. Clearly, I am powerless against the overwhelming adorableness of my own creations.

(Historical Notes: I don’t think I ever drew Layla in this outfit again, which is a shame.  I like vaguely uniform-like style.  I’m always in favor of more uniforms, even if all the trim and buttons are a pain to draw.)